September Slam 2025

The Demolition Derby at the Eastern Idaho State Fair is our Annual Youth Fundraiser for the yearly youth events in and around Bingham County

About & Q&A


The Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks originated in New York, NY in 1868 by 15 men wanting to support each other through the Great Depression.  The New York, NY Lodge #1 still thrives today. Blackfoot Elks Lodge #1416 acquired its charter July 13, 1922 and has been serving the community ever since.

Our lodge focuses on Charity, Youth & Veterans. The September Slam Demolition Derby is the annual Youth Fundraiser for the yearly youth events in and around Bingham County. This Youth Fund supports events such as:  Scholarships, Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot, Dictionary Program, Sports, Drug Awareness, Distinguished Young Women and more….

This event is run by Elk volunteers in conjunction with the Eastern Idaho State Fair and has been the final show of the fair for over 45 years.  Our participants come from all over Idaho and the USA, some as far as South Carolina.  We are so proud to partner with the EISF, local businesses and our drivers  to produce this show year after year.

Thank you for your support and participation!


If you have questions not listed below, please contact us – we may add your question and its answer here.

Participant / Driver Questions:

Q: What is the cost to participate in the derby?

A: Check back for 2025 entry fee info

Q: What are the prize money payouts and perks of participating in the derby?


  • Old Iron, 80’s, and Limited Weld
    • 1st: $4,000
    • 2nd: $2,500
    • 3rd: $1,500
  • Youth & Minis
    • 1st: $2,500
    • 2nd: $1,500
    • 3rd: $1,000
  • Mad Dog $1,200 per heat

Q: When do I need to be at the derby for Check in or inspection?

A: Check-in and inspections will begin at 9:00 AM on derby day.

Q: Where do I check in?

A: The staging area for check-in & inspections is on Wooton Way just West of the Jehovah’s Witness Church.

Q: How late is too late to show up?

A: You MUST be check-in no later than 2:00 PM.

Q: When is the driver’s meeting

A: Driver’s meeting will be at 4:00 PM. ALL drivers and pit persons must be present. You cannot leave the staging area after the driver’s meeting. Stay with your vehicle.

Q: I’ve got a couple derby vehicles, I can bring them both, right?

A: ONLY one pit truck/vehicle per entry will be allowed to enter the pit area.

Spectator Questions:

Q: What should I expect?

A: We take a lot of precautions to make it safe for the crowd, but it’ll be loud and smokey!

Q: Should I bring young kids?

A: Sure! You might consider bringing hearing protection for them.
Children (3 & Under) FREE (as long as they sit on an adult’s lap).

Q: Where do I go to watch the derby?

A: The derby is in the main arena of the Eastern Idaho State Fair, and you’ll want to enter at the gates at the grandstands. Gates open at 6:30pm.

Q: How much is it?

A: Ticket Price starting at $30 (additional fees apply)
Children (3 & Under) FREE in the GrandStands only.

Ticket Includes Fair Admission!

This policy does not apply to the Demolition Derby Pit where ALL individuals, including infants, entering the Demolition Derby Pit must have a Pit Pass. Seats are NOT guaranteed in the pits. If you want a guaranteed seat, you may want to consider purchasing a seat in the grandstands @   This event is always a sellout at least a week before the show, so you want to get them early. There will be no guarantee you will get your family in if you wait until the last minute.

Q: Do I have to pay to get into the fair on top of the price of my derby ticket?

A: Nope, your derby ticket also gets you into the fair that day!

Q: When do I need to be there?

A: Gates open at 6:30 pm, the derby starts at 7:30 pm, but if we’re still going, you’re still welcome!

Q: What time does the derby end?

A: The derby can run until around midnight. If you need to leave before that, we understand (though you’ll miss out on some great moments)!

Q: Where does all the money from this event go?

A: The September Slam Demolition Derby is the annual Youth Fundraiser for the yearly youth events in and around Bingham County. This Youth Fund supports events such as:  Scholarships, Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot, Dictionary Program, Sports, Drug Awareness, Distinguished Young Women and more….